Welcome to our Parish Website



         St. Athanasius   Church                                                              St. Benedict Church

           2050 E. Walnut Lane                                                              1940 E. Chelten Avenue

           Philadelphia, PA 19138                                                           Philadelphia, PA 19138

Weekdays 8:45 am Morning Prayer                                                 Sunday 8:00 am Mass

             Weekdays 9:00 am Mass

              Saturday 4:00 pm Mass

              Sunday 10:00 am  Mass

Christmas Schedule

Christmas Eve. Tuesday, Dec 24,

(No Adoration)


4 PM St. Benedict and 6 PM St. A’s

Christmas Day 10 AM St. Athanasius            

New Year’s Eve   9 AM, St. A’s

Adoration concludes with Devotions and

 Mass 6 PM, St. A’s

New Year’s Day     9 AM St. Athanasius

Come Home for Christmas!

Prepare the way of the Lord.  Make a good confession your gift to the

Christ Child

Confessions Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2-3 pm and 6 pm following Benediction

Saturday, Dec. 21, before and after the 4 pm Mass, and                                  Sunday, Dec. 22 following the 10 am Mass

 And at your request