Lord, who throughout these forty days for us did fast and pray

We encourage everyone to participate in our Lenten program of renewal and revival. Our Weekly schedule includes

At all the weekend Masses during Lent Mass will end with a time of Expedition.

Daily Mass: 9 a.m. – Mon. thru Fri., St. A’s Church, enter through the school yard.

 Monday           FORMED Club  2 to 3  pm

We will watch a selection from FORMED and then have a time of group discussion.  It will also be available through Zoom.  This week we will watch in person and on Zoom :  A reflection on the meaning of Lent.

Join Formed club Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82645549922                      Meeting ID: 826 4554 9922

Call in: 1-646-931-3860  

Tuesdays:  Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, following 9 am Mass until 6 pm.

Confessions 3 to 4 pm

Adoration which will conclude with  Divine Mercy Chaplet, a short reflection on The Holy Eucharist and being a Missionary Disciple, followed by the Litany of Hope and Benediction.

Wednesday: 12 Noon, Community Rosary, (on line only), through Zoom.                     

Join Zoom Wednesday Rosary Meeting         https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85831856741
Meeting ID: 858 3185 6741                  Call in: 1-305-224-1968

7 pm Lenten Bible study series through Zoom.  Each week Deacon Mahoney will cover the essential elements of the Passion Narratives from the Gospels.


Telephone +1  301 715 8592

Friday: (Day of fasting and abstinence), Stations of the Cross, 6 pm in Church and online.     

Beginning next weekend at the conclusion of each weekend Mass during Lent, we will have an extended time of Adoration.  Following the closing prayer, The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for silent prayer. 

Those who would like to leave may do so quietly, others may remain for silent prayer then will follow St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Visit to the Blessed Sacrament prayers.

FORMED The Catholic Faith.  On-demand, Watch, listen, and read.

Pulling together the best in Catholic movies, children’s programming, audio dramas and books, FORMED provides a trusted and engaging entertainment alternative in support of a Catholic lifestyle.

Formed Bible studies, sacramental prep materials, documentaries, books and audio talks from leading Catholic experts will help you grow in understanding your faith. 

The Parish has subscribed, so there is no cost to you.

Here are the Formed sign up instructions    

  1. Visit FORMED.org
  2. Click Sign Up
  3. Select “Sign Up As A Parishioner”
  4. Find St Athanasius by parish name, address, or zip code (Make sure it is the Philadelphia St. A’s)
  5. Enter your name and email – and you’re in!

                                                     Lenten fast and abstinence.

The Church prescribes as minimal obligation that all persons who are 14 years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wed., Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older up to 60, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wed., and Good Friday while the other two meals are to be light.  All the faithful are encouraged to participate in Mass, to go to Confession, to take more time for private prayer, spiritual reading and the reading and study of Sacred Scripture.

            (most services will be live streamed)

                   Follow us on Facebook    Saint Athanasius Parish Philadelphia

                  Do you want to receive parish updates?                         

        Text, email or phone call. Please call the rectory so we

                            can enroll you in Church Cast.