St. Benedict Food Pantry

Saint Benedict Food Pantry

Located at  1940 E. Chelten Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19138


Food distribution:  Mondays    10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

                                    Fridays      10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

We are located just west of  Stenton  & Ogontz Avenues.  Enter on the right-hand side of the Church, using the small ramp.

St. Benedict Food Pantry distributes foods that include all four food groups. Our inventory changes depending on the season and availability.  It is recommended that you arrive early as certain items may be limited.

We do not deliver.

There is a self-declaration document that is required to receive food and a card will be given for future visits.

Everyone accepting food must sign in.

The Food Pantry’s food items are provided by the generosity of SHARE and Philabundance.


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